Meaning of Symbols on the Map

ہوم / Meaning of Symbols on the Map

Meaning of Symbols on the Map


ancient city and ruins 

Ancient Cities


Location of historical event such as battlefield.

Ancient Battlefield


underground tunnel cave-like places

Antique cave tunnel


Smaller archaeological objects such as coins or gold silver iron

Ancient objects


The original milestone location of an ancient landmark.

Ancient Milestone


A relief, votiv stone, altar or similar monument

Ancient monument


A museum with artifacts about or about classical antiquity on display.

Ancient Museum


Ancient Temporary military camp. or resting place

Other ancient places


stone ruins of an ancient ruin

Ancient ruin


shipwreck or remains from ancient times

Ancient Shipwreck


The place where Sign Symbols from ancient times are found.

Ancient Sign


sanctuary An ancient temple, mosque, or Christian church.

Ancient Temple


Places where theaters and amphitheatres were located in ancient times

Ancient Theater


antiquity group grave, one grave site or an important funerary monument. locations

Ancient Tomb Site


A workshop or industry, such as a mine, port, or pottery.

Ancient Workshop


Public baths or the ruins of a smaller bathhouse

Ancient bath


Observation area where ancient ruins are preserved.

Archaeological Site


its location where the remains of ancient villages are found. example rome vs.

Ancient Village


Ruins of a rural settlement, a farm or a group of farms.

Ancient Rural settlement


Ruins of a fort, mini-fortress, or naval base

Ancient Castle


A watchtower or grandiose structure and a smaller military object.

Ancient tower



Roads and paths used in ancient times

Ancient Road Trail


Where some of the aqueduct ruins can be seen.

Ancient aqueduct


Bridges and ruins from ancient times
Ancient bridge



Ancient World Archeology Atlas 2015